
Access to Physical Library and Resources

  • During business hours, providers, employees, patients, and visitors are permitted access to the library space and its physical resources.
  • Only employees and providers registered with the Library can check materials out.
  • Outside of business hours, the door is locked, and access is granted via badge access.
  • When badge access is required, only holders of the employee badge are allowed entry.  Employees should not allow others into the library when badge access is required.
  • The library follows the current hospital visitation policy to determine non-provider or non-employee access.

Lost or Damaged Materials

  • Library members are not permitted to take or possess material outside of the library unless it was legitimately checked out.
  • Library members who take confirmed possession of library material are personally responsible for both a) returning it on or before the due date set at time of borrowing and b) returning it in the condition the material was borrowed.
  • When a library member requests material to be sent via inner office mail, the library should pursue confirmation of receipt within a week of it being sent.  Receipt of confirmation makes it a confirmed possession of the material.
  • If confirmation is not received and subsequently the material is reported as lost or never received, then the library will assume responsibility for the replacement of the material.  However, it will be up to a librarian’s discretion as to whether that method of delivery to that member in the future will be an option.
  • When the material becomes overdue, the member of record who borrowed the material is notified, as outlined in the procedures below, using the contact information as provided at the time of registration. 

Lost Material

  • At the conclusion of the notifications schedule, if there is still no contact with the member, then the material will be deemed Lost, and the member will be charged for replacement costs.
  • If a lost item is returned before the garnishment request has been sent to Payroll there will be no charges or replacement cost billed to the member.

Damaged Material

  • If the material is returned and is considered damaged, the member is charged replacement costs.


  • Replacement must be done through the library and the member is not permitted to replace the material with a used copy.  The library will account for date of publication and wear of the material in seeking to replace with material of a similar condition.


  • All reasonable efforts will be made by library staff to contact and resolve issues of damaged or lost materials before seeking collection for replacement charges. 
  • The library will utilize Cone Health Payroll for garnishment of wages. 
  • If using Cone Health Payroll is not possible, an invoice will be sent to the member’s home address.

Appeals Process

  • Once a request has been submitted to Payroll, the library considers the matter closed.
  • However, allowable extenuating circumstances may be reviewed by the library to determine if a reversal of charge for replacement costs is appropriate.
  • If a garnishment request has been submitted to Payroll and the material is then subsequently returned, it will be up to the member to initiate contact with the Medical Library on the matter.  If a request is made by the member to reverse any fees collected, it must be submitted in writing along with the reason the material was more than 6 weeks past due.  It will then be at the Library Director’s discretion as to whether the request is subject to refund.
  • If it is determined that the Medical Library is in error (e.g., entered incorrect contact information into the member’s electronic record) in its efforts to contact the member, then any fees collected will be returned.


The Cone Health Library and Librarians provide access to a wide range of health and medical information; the Cone Health Library and Librarians are not medical professionals and  DO NOT give medical advice or help interpret information or resources. Inclusion in the Cone Health Library is not an endorsement of any specific product, service, or treatment. Information from the Cone Health Library is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified healthcare provider, and you should always consult a medical professional.

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